
Can you partition an external hard drive
Can you partition an external hard drive

Otherwise, you can simply install a new hard drive in your computer and format it from scratch. Once duplicated, you simply swap out the old drive for the new one. But the easiest way to upgrade is to use hard drive cloning software or hardware that lets you duplicate your original hard drive on a much bigger, blank hard drive.

can you partition an external hard drive can you partition an external hard drive

We won’t get into the details of upgrading a hard drive because it’s a very complicated process. Likewise, if your system was working fine and you simply swapped the old hard drive for a bigger one, then the old one should still be just fine. If your hard drive seemed fine before the system died then it’s probably OK. Motherboards, power supplies, microprocessors and memory can fail in the blink of an eye, but hard drives usually become flaky, make strange sounds or exhibit other errors before they die. If your old computer was working fine and then died all of a sudden, the hard drive is most likely fine. The first thing you should do before investing any time and money in an old hard drive is to try to determine if it’s ok. The same thing can be done if you install a larger hard drive in your computer and don’t know what to do with the old one.

can you partition an external hard drive

If a computer dies for any reason other than a dead hard drive, you can always convert the old drive into an external unit, and grab important files off the drive in the process. But what can you do with the old carcass? It’s quite common to have an old computer die on you and not have it repaired, especially if it’s more than a few years old.

Can you partition an external hard drive